Navigating the Top 5 Challenges HR Professionals Face Today

Leaders often wonder how they can best help different departments in their organizations succeed at their jobs. They want to support everyone on the team and make sure they’re all set up for success, especially those departments that are facing challenges. In this article, we’ll explore some ways in which leaders can support HR teams, enabling them to succeed while tackling some of the challenges faced by the team.

HR professionals are no strangers to challenges and crises in organizations. We know that they are usually the change agents in the workplace, constantly on the lookout for solutions to the various problems faced by employees, working hard every day to help employees feel valued and supported. But these folks are also facing some big challenges, causing them stress and sleepless nights.

Before we explore some ways that the leadership team can lend a hand to the hardworking HR professionals and their challenges, let’s take a closer look at some of the challenges. 

A recent study by HRE shed light on what’s keeping HR up at night, outlining the following challenges: 

  1. Recruiting and retaining key talents

  2. People management

  3. Improving company culture

  4. The desire to do more with tech 

  5. Leveraging learning and development 

Examining HR Challenges and strategies for addressing them

The first thing most people think of when they hear the words Human Resources” is employee relations, or perhaps payroll. While those are part of the key functions of the role, the real challenges HR deals with every day can not be overlooked. Now, let’s delve into the specific challenges faced by HR professionals and explore effective strategies for addressing them.

1. Recruiting and Retaining Key Talent is a problem that every organization faces. HR knows that they have to recruit the right talents to maintain and help their organizations grow. They do the work of matching candidates to jobs, but unfortunately, this is also one of the most intractable challenges in HR — finding and hiring top-performing employees with the right skills, experience, and cultural fit. The finding” is one challenge on its own; retaining talent is a major challenge that some people consider one of the core responsibilities of the HR folks, but unfortunately, this poses a challenge for HR professionals.

Although HR departments are essential in creating and executing successful recruitment and retention strategies, it is important to understand that simply attracting top talent in a competitive job market is not enough. To retain these individuals, companies must prioritize creating a positive work environment, offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, and providing opportunities for career growth and development.

2. Another challenge facing HR folks is People Management.” This involves overseeing and coordinating the activities of employees to ensure that they are working together efficiently and effectively to achieve the organization’s goals. When HR is able to successfully manage people, then they can help their organizations achieve their goals and create a positive work environment for employees.

Effective people management requires a deep understanding of human behaviour, interpersonal communication, and organizational dynamics. HR professionals need to be appropriately skilled to navigate complex issues related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI), employee engagement, conflict resolution, and performance management. This sometimes requires investing in training and developmental programs that help HR develop the skills they need to manage people effectively. Organizations can also provide HR professionals with the tools and technology to track employee performance, manage conflicts, and communicate effectively with employees. By supporting HR in their role of managing people, organizations can create a positive work environment and foster a culture of engagement and productivity.

3. Improving company culture is another major challenge because it is an ongoing process that requires a lot of effort, resources, and time. While this might be the responsibility of the HR folks, one question to ask is: is HR given the right tools and support to be able to give their best towards improving company culture?

While improving company culture seems to be a complex task, the major challenge faced towards achieving this goal are not to be overlooked: 

  1. Diversity and Inclusion: Creating an inclusive company culture that values diversity and equity can be challenging. HR professionals need to work with management and DEI experts to create policies and implement practices that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. Plus, HR needs tools to measure and track progress.

  2. Limited Resources: Improving company culture requires significant investments of time and resources, which can be a challenge for HR teams when required resources are not adequately provided. Limited resources can make it difficult to implement policies that will drive new company culture. 

  3. Managing Resistance to Change: Changing company culture usually requires significant changes to how things are done, and employees are most likely to resist these changes. HR teams have to constantly strategize on the best way to communicate and provide support during the transition, which sometimes might disrupt their everyday workflow. In addition, managing resistance from employees might be cumbersome, considering the number of employees, the effect of the new policy or culture, and other factors.

  4. Measuring success: It can be difficult to measure the success of initiatives to improve company culture when the right tools and resources are not provided. HR professionals need to develop metrics that align with the company’s values and goals in order to evaluate the impact of implemented initiatives.

Improving company culture is a complex and ongoing challenge for HR professionals. They need to work closely and get support from the management team and employees to define, implement, and maintain a positive and inclusive culture that aligns with the company’s values and goals.

4. The desire to do more with Tech is another obstacle HR professionals face in today’s digital age. Let’s look at this challenge in more detail.

In the past, HR has traditionally relied on manual and paper-based processes to manage their work, including recruitment, performance management, employee training and development, and other HR-related tasks. However, as technology advances, many HR professionals are eager to leverage new technologies to streamline their processes, improve efficiency, and enhance employee experience.

The desire to do more with tech can be a challenge for HR professionals for several reasons. For example, many HR professionals struggle to keep up with the pace of technology, and not all individuals have the technical skills or expertise to effectively implement and use new technologies. In addition, there may be resistance from employees or other stakeholders who are not accustomed to using new technologies. Integrating new technologies into existing HR processes and systems can be time-consuming and expensive. 

However, despite these challenges, the benefits of using HR technology are clear. For example, technology can help automate time-consuming tasks, such as scheduling interviews or processing payroll, freeing up time to focus on more strategic tasks. It can also help improve data accuracy and accessibility, making it easier to track employee performance and make informed decisions.

5. Maximizing Learning and Development is another obstacle. 

Companies must continually adapt and evolve to remain competitive in today’s rapidly changing business landscape. This means that employees must also adapt and develop new skills to meet changing job requirements. As a result, HR professionals are increasingly investing in Learning and Development (L&D) programs to train and upskill employees.

While this trend is positive for employee development and growth, it poses an additional challenge for HR teams: designing and delivering effective L&D programs. 

HR must identify the skills and knowledge employees need to develop and find the right training programs or tools to deliver that content. They must also ensure the training is engaging, relevant, and effective in helping employees acquire new skills.

Finally, HR professionals must also ensure that L&D programs are aligned with the overall business strategy. This requires a deep understanding of the company’s goals and objectives, as well as the skills and competencies required to achieve those goals.

Dialling down the HR Pressure the MESH Way

MESH/​diversity can help organizations meet their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion objectives. MESH is a revolutionary DEI operating system that offers Diversity Training and capacitates HR Professionals.

MESH is here to help you tackle any HR challenges you may be facing. Talk to an expert about how we can help you create a workplace where everyone thrives.